Sunday, February 14, 2010

How To Be A Smart Shopper

How To Be A Smart Shopper

How lucky to be a teenager in 2006… you have access to more money than ever before, thanks to allowances and gifts ...and income from chores, summer jobs and part time work. Lucky thing, now that the holiday season is approaching. The next weeks are a challenge for handling money responsibly and making smart buying decisions. Here is our top ten list of suggestions to make sure spend that money wisely!

1. Avoid buying something just because you saw it on a display or on sale. Make a shopping list before you leave home and stick to it.
2. Before you go shopping, set a spending limit for “impulse buys,” items you didn’t intend to buy but grabbed your attention anyway. If you’re tempted to spend more than your limit, wait a few days and think it over.
3. Limit the amount of cash you bring with you. The less cash you carry, the less you can spend and the less you lose if you misplace your wallet.
4. Be clear what the difference is between wanting something and needing it. A “need” is something you cannot live without. A “want” is something that would be nice to have but isn’t really necessary.
5. Research before you go shopping. Read reviews in magazines and respected websites. Check other stores or go online to compare prices. Comparison shopping can lead to tremendous savings and better quality purchases.
6. Keep track of your spending. Maintaining a budget might sound scary and complicated but it can be as simple as having a notebook and writing down what you spend at each outing.
7. Holiday time is prime time for thieves of all kinds. Be extra careful with sharing your date of birth, Social Security number, phone number and mother’s maiden name. This is the information banks and businesses use to confirm your identity, very valuable to those wanting to pose as you to commit fraud.
8. Never give out this information in response to an incoming call or e-mail from a stranger or an advertisement on the Internet. Never share your passwords or ID numbers for your computer with friends or strangers.
9. Although gift cards are easy to buy and may seem to be the ideal gift, they can come with potential risks and costs. Whether you are giving or receiving a gift card, watch out for fees deducted each time you use the card. Or fees charged for not using the card. Check to see if there is an expiration date… and share that fact with the person you’re gifting.
10. Consider using some of your money to help others less fortunate. People who are generous get tremendous amounts of satisfaction in return. Nothing feels better than knowing you’re making a difference. Not even those new boots!


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